Aging In Place


The Aging In Place Committee was founded to develop and facilitate ways to help Helen’s Court residents safely age in their homes with dignity, respect and the self-determination to decide how they want to be supported.


We intend to provide support by:

  1. Fostering a community that encourages and celebrates intergenerational and reciprocal connections through various initiatives and communication;
  2. Facilitating systems to promote safety and well-being through physical and emotional support;
  3. Supporting residents, when requested, by connecting them to individuals, resources and services to help them be healthy, informed and empowered; and
  4. Advocating for senior residents’ needs and priorities across all Helen’s Court committees within the limitations of the units we have.


We are committed to serving the needs of all elderly members of Helen’s Court with compassion, care and foresight. 

In all of its work, the AIP Committee will remain confidential in its work and will exist to complement, not replace, the support provided by primary caregivers, caring family members and friends, medical professionals and government services. We exist to provide resources and support where needed and requested. Committee support should also not be construed as being ultimately responsible for the health of an individual member.



The AIP Committee will meet monthly and on an ad hoc basis, as needed. As a committee, we will uphold confidentiality in all meeting spaces. 


The Board and Maintenance Committee can request AIP assistance with a project or can assign AIP a task. AIP may also suggest an appropriate task for Maintenance to consider or undertake, or to involve AIP in an ongoing Maintenance project where AIP input could be helpful.

We are available to meet with any members to understand their needs and determine how the AIP Committee can best support them.