

To keep the members of Helen’s Court appropriately housed at all times.


To be guided by the co-op principles of non-discrimination and equality; to interact with others respectfully; to be fair and unbiased when selecting new members or participating in internal relocations. To find new members who understand and support the principles of affordable housing (non-profit housing); to find members who understand the principles of co-operative living; and to find members who are committed to being active, co-operative members. To foster an understanding of the above principles.


  • Process and update applications
  • Conduct interviews and recommend new members to the Board of Directors
  • Orient applicants and integrate new members into the Co-op by the following means:
    • (a) Gatherings to welcome new members, during which the new member(s) will sign the Occupancy Agreement and be introduced to Co-op members as well as members of committees in which they have expressed interest;
    • (b) Mentoring programs where experienced committee members actively support new member attendance of meetings and participation in committee activities (e.g., accompanying new members to meetings and introducing them);
    • (c) Development of a brochure outlining the obligations and rights of membership, to be distributed to new roommates. (Passed Feb. 19/06)
  • Select candidates for Internal Relocation and recommend them to the Board
  • Organize educational workshops related to the mandate of the committee
  • Hold monthly meetings (or more often, as needed)
  • Encourage member participation
  • Maintain confidentiality of issues discussed